Young people deserve to live in a healthy and compassionate world. The only way to create that reality with any real sustainability is by providing young people the tools central to leadership and change making: access to information and a quality education.
With that in mind, Boston Public Schools, students from the Boston Student Advisory Council and dedicated science teachers came together to create a framework of lessons to incorporate climate change education into K-12 science lessons. This project has been a collaboration of many people in the Boston Public School system, all of whom care about climate change and wanted to develop a curriculum to help students everywhere (not just Boston) learn more about our changing planet.
Youth on Board co-administers the Boston Student Advisory Council with the Boston Public Schools Office of Engagement. BSAC is a citywide body of elected student leaders representing most BPS high schools. BSAC organizers work to identify and address pertinent student issues, thereby putting students at the center of the decisions that affect them the most. BSAC acts as the student union of the district by leading organizing efforts, forging relationships with district and city-leaders, impacting policy change and transforming school culture across the board.
The work produced on this website is the direct result of the hardworking and dedicated members of the Boston Public Schools Science Department. Pam Pelletier, the Director of Science Technology and Engineering, and Holly Rosa, the Assistant Director of Science Technology and Engineering, made this work possible. Pam and Holly helped initiate, support, coordinate, fund and provide experienced mentoring throughout the process. Please visit the Boston Public Schools Science website to see all the other amazing work going on in Boston Science. Boston Public Schools Science Department.
Get Involved
We are looking to get more teachers involved with the Climate Curriculum Project and suggest lessons, provide feedback on current lessons, and create an open-access online database of vetted lessons for K-12 Science Education focused on all aspects of how climate change is affecting the planet.
Please contact us if you would like to collaborate on lesson planning, professional development, or any form of climate curriculum.
We look forward to hearing from you!
“For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”